Dr. Tamara Kornelsen
BSc., DC

Many patients ask how I came to chose chiropractic and I fondly think of the amazing doctor in my hometown who inspired me and still inspires me daily to reach his level of empathy, skill, intent, and passion for the miracles he performs every day! Helping people achieve wellness and better quality of life through regular chiropractic care is my passion and my goal.

Chiropractic Educational Experience

I earned a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Lethbridge and a Doctor of Chiropractic at Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. I also took extra curricular courses in Applied Kinesiology and the Active Release Technique (ART). 

I choose to take my chiropractic training in an American school mostly based on the strong science base and the opportunity to take various elective courses that were not as easily accessible in Canada to broaden my scope of practice.

Chiropractic Philosophy & Objectives

My practice philosophy is based on a subluxation wellness care paradigm in Penticton and Rock Creek that offers chiropractic care to every age but in particular to families. Our motto is families that get adjusted together stay together and we have special family care plans so that all our patients can enjoy affordable healthcare for their entire families.

A Commitment to Personal Chiropractic Health and Well-being

When not working in Penticton or Rock Creek, I enjoy downhill skiing, mountain biking, hiking, working outside, and reading.

Often my patients ask how often I get adjusted and by whom. I have the luxury of working with two other fabulous doctors in my office, so I usually get adjusted at least once a week to keep my body functioning optimally like a well-tuned machine.

Appointment Request

Dr Tamara Kornelsen BSc., DC



Website: Good Therapy Chiropractic Inc.